THRUST Pro Ultra Holly Maximum Pleasure Vibro Pack (6 Piece)


£ 40.00 Where to Buy

Brand: Thrust

Availability: In Stock

Online Shop: Lovehoney

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Get the max out of your masturbation sessions with the Holly Pleasure Pack from THRUST.

Comprising Holly herself, a realistic pussy masturbator, sex toy cleaner, lube, renewer power and bullet vibrator, everything you need to thrust is as your fingertips.

Holly's soft, supple lips and textured insides offer added intensity and sensations to your session.

A secondary hole in her silky canal allows for the bullet vibrator to really amp up the fun.

Give Holly all the help she needs with the water-based lube supplied in the pack.

Slather it over your penis and her entrance to ensure massive satisfaction.

Clean her after use with the specialist sex toy cleaner and dust with renewer powder before popping her in her handy pouch.

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